分享 三升四暑假总结
cwcat 2023-8-29 15:58
三年级快结束时开启了娃的完全自学模式,自己完成自己检查自己订正,偶尔抽查学习效果。 暑假里按照这样的模式,还算高效地完成了既定任务,偶尔磨蹭掉链子。每天有学有玩,学习习惯逐渐养成中。 语文:第一次开始提前下学期的课本预习,朗读、背诵、默写,词语仍是弱项,默了好多遍还是记不住;下学期字帖练字,不认 ...
个人分类: 日常琐事|38 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 开启哈利波特之旅
cwcat 2022-12-1 22:06
记录一下,买了好久的Harry Potter,终于开始读了!
个人分类: 日常琐事|197 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 得偿所愿
cwcat 2022-11-23 16:05
娃眼光不错,从幼儿园到小学,最喜欢的女生都是班里各方面表现最好的那个。 上周,他就在掰着手指头数还有几次换座位,可以和那名女生坐在一起。但是本周,是和一个他不太喜欢的男生坐一起,虽然那男生非常期待可以和他坐,一起玩打仗游戏。 昨天放学我顺便问了下老师娃在学校的表现,老师说他跟同桌上课讲话,所以把他调 ...
个人分类: 日常琐事|375 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 说说语文
cwcat 2022-11-17 10:16
今天考语文,小子自知自己语文比较差,昨天回家就说明天考语文,今晚要复习一下。。。问他是不是老师要求的,他说不是。看来小家伙知道自己的不足,懂得自主学习去补了,不错! 之前一二年级,不管大考小考,从来没有复习过,并且很多考试根本不知道就考了,考好一张卷子拿回家签字,都是优秀,数英经常全对或者错一两道 ...
个人分类: 日常琐事|459 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 2
分享 随便写写
cwcat 2022-11-16 09:21
第二次买了勋章,虽然第一次买过觉得没啥用,但金钱留着好像也没啥用。。。 一直想经常记录下娃的日常,给走过的日子留下点痕迹,但一直懒。。。 最近上千帆比较多,随便聊聊看看,希望今后能不要偷懒,多写日志,记录点平常小事。
个人分类: 日常琐事|242 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 NO.6 Skill Trees
cwcat 2022-7-29 11:15
NO.6 Skill Trees
Skill Trees This thing is happening in my head. Some skill trees are growing in my brain. I love drawing. So my drawing skill tree grows very fast. I forget to tell you something. If someone likes to do something ver ...
个人分类: 英文原创|125 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 NO.5 The Time Travel
cwcat 2022-7-29 11:09
NO.5 The Time Travel
The Time Travel Once upon a time , in the energy world …… EH have already got a lot of things , but he wanted more. He wanted to time travel. So he told his men :“ Go and make a time machine. ”“ Ok !” said one of his men.   ...
个人分类: 英文原创|125 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 NO.4 The Energy Hero Found The Treasure
cwcat 2022-7-29 11:04
NO.4 The Energy Hero Found The Treasure
The Energy Hero Found The Treasure Once upon a time, in the energy world, there was a treasure buried in the deep underground. One day, the energy hero saw an old man falling into the ocean. The energy hero jumped d ...
个人分类: 英文原创|94 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 NO.3 The Biting Fish
cwcat 2022-7-29 10:42
NO.3 The Biting Fish
The Biting Fish Once upon a time , there lived a biting Fish in the ocean. It bit almost everything but it was afraid of fire. It bit many people who swimming in the ocean. And it bit many boats sailing in the ocean. Anyone could not shoot fire in the ocean. Because ...
个人分类: 英文原创|83 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 NO.2 The Sticky Monster
cwcat 2022-7-29 10:28
NO.2 The Sticky Monster
The Sticky Monster Once upon a time, there lived a guy named Jan. He had a bowl of butter and a bottle of living evil spray. One day, Jan sprayed the living evil spray into the bowl of butter by accident. "Oh, no!" The bowl of butter ca ...
个人分类: 英文原创|72 次阅读|0 个评论

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