分享 起点
viviopiu 2022-8-23 10:44
251 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 小升初总结——终于上岸了!
makala80238023 2022-8-2 19:42
从2年级得知千帆网,那时象开了一扇新大门,让我对教育娃有了全新的认知,从很多前辈那里知道了方法路径。 这一路走来不容易,还好结局非常美好,娃上岸了,去了我们的目标校。 虽然还没拿到录取通知书,但是值得记录下来。
1179 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 13
分享 8月二升三暑假
忽晴忽雨 2022-8-1 12:50
语文:8月7日开始,20次线下课,阅读+作文+演讲 Plus 预习,一周3次课,并能默写 数学:8月7日开始,20次线下课,并讲下分数 英语:新概念L85-L88 玻璃博物馆帐篷夜 可能再去次奉贤
512 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 NO.6 Skill Trees
cwcat 2022-7-29 11:15
NO.6 Skill Trees
Skill Trees This thing is happening in my head. Some skill trees are growing in my brain. I love drawing. So my drawing skill tree grows very fast. I forget to tell you something. If someone likes to do something ver ...
135 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 NO.5 The Time Travel
cwcat 2022-7-29 11:09
NO.5 The Time Travel
The Time Travel Once upon a time , in the energy world …… EH have already got a lot of things , but he wanted more. He wanted to time travel. So he told his men :“ Go and make a time machine. ”“ Ok !” said one of his men.   ...
135 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 NO.4 The Energy Hero Found The Treasure
cwcat 2022-7-29 11:04
NO.4 The Energy Hero Found The Treasure
The Energy Hero Found The Treasure Once upon a time, in the energy world, there was a treasure buried in the deep underground. One day, the energy hero saw an old man falling into the ocean. The energy hero jumped d ...
103 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 NO.3 The Biting Fish
cwcat 2022-7-29 10:42
NO.3 The Biting Fish
The Biting Fish Once upon a time , there lived a biting Fish in the ocean. It bit almost everything but it was afraid of fire. It bit many people who swimming in the ocean. And it bit many boats sailing in the ocean. Anyone could not shoot fire in the ocean. Because ...
87 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 NO.2 The Sticky Monster
cwcat 2022-7-29 10:28
NO.2 The Sticky Monster
The Sticky Monster Once upon a time, there lived a guy named Jan. He had a bowl of butter and a bottle of living evil spray. One day, Jan sprayed the living evil spray into the bowl of butter by accident. "Oh, no!" The bowl of butter ca ...
75 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 NO.1 The Three Evil Women
cwcat 2022-7-29 10:20
NO.1 The Three Evil Women
The Three Evil Women Once upon a time , there lived three women who ate energy eggs to survive. Then one day , they ate so much energy and became very evil. They attacked many people , and the king's soldiers couldn't defend against these ...
86 次阅读|0 个评论

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