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热度 12已有 1829 次阅读2015-5-15 11:49 |系统分类:学前教育


1. Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb

莎士比亚 Tales from Shakespear自1807年以来,这本经典的改编书经历了一版再版。改编后的故事集忠于原著,甚至包括了许多莎士比亚原文对话。然而,兰姆姐弟删除了一些他们认为不适合孩子阅读的部分。例如,在他们改编的《第十二夜》中,并没有提及管家马伏里奥(Malvolio),托比·培尔契爵士(Sir Toby Belch),以及安德鲁·艾古契克爵士(Sir Andrew Aguecheek)。现代读者也许会觉得此书风格枯燥冗长,但恰恰是这本书,建立了所有莎翁改编书籍的标准。

This classic retelling has remained in print since 1807. The tales are true to the originals, and include much of Shakespeare's dialogue. However, the Lambs edited out anything they thought unsuitable for impressionable young minds. In their version of Twelfth Night, for instance, there is no mention of Malvolio, Sir Toby Belch, or Sir Andrew Aguecheek. Modern readers might find the style a little dry and long-winded, but this is the book that set the standard for all Shakespeare adaptors.

2. Shakespeare Stories by Leon Garfiel

莎士比亚 shakespear stories leon garfield此书写于1985年,包含了莎士比亚的12部戏剧。作者几乎像创作微型小说一般重新编写了这些戏剧。葛飞尔的风格一向是轻快,活泼,展示了惊人的创造力。所以阅读这本书本身也令人身心愉悦。迈克尔·福尔曼 (Michael Foreman) 创作的灰暗的,令人沉思的插画也是大师级的作品。

This book first appeared in 1985, and contains twelve of Shakespeare's plays. The retellings are almost re-imaginings of the plays as miniature novels. Garfield's style is, as always, brisk, lively, and wonderfully inventive, and the book is an excellent read in its own right. Michael Foreman's dark and brooding illustrations are masterly.

3. Stories from Shakespeare by Geraldine McCaughrean

莎士比亚 stories from Shakespear by geradine mcCaughrean这本书所涵盖的词汇量较大, 因此更适合阅读水平更高,年龄更大的读者。 但它确是一本精致的缩写本。作者将所有主要人物,许多次要人物,以及场景全部融入到有限的篇幅中。作者风格严谨而不枯燥,充满想象力,读来令人满足。此书从原著中选择性地挑选了章节,是最好的缩写本之一。

This is probably better for advanced or older readers, since the vocabulary can be demanding, but the book offers marvels of compression. McCaughrean manages to fit all the major characters – and a lot of the minor ones too – and incidents into a limited space. Her style is precise, but not dry, with imaginative flourishes that satisfy and illuminate. With nicely judged use of short extracts from the plays, this selection is one of the best available.

4. The Children's Shakespeare by E Nesbit

莎士比亚 children's shakespear by e. nesbit本书可读性很强。虽然她的文笔已是超越一个世纪,但依然令读者一旦拿起,难以放下。这些故事有些拖沓,描述较多,但也正是这些,使得这本书更符合原著的精神和氛围。

These are competent, readable retellings. Though most of her writing is more than a century old, Nesbit still has the power to grip and enchant the reader. The stories tend towards the wordy, and heavily stress description and motivation, but they are nonetheless true to the spirit and atmosphere of the originals.

5. The Usborne Illustrated Stories from Shakespeare

莎士比亚 Illustrated stories from Shakespear这本书由Rosie Dickins, Leslie Sims, Conrad Mason和 Louie Stowell改写, 由Christa Unzer 和Serena Riglietti插画。包括 《第十二夜》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,《暴风雨》《仲夏夜之梦》《麦克白》《哈姆雷特》。Usborne是一家高大上的出版公司,该书每页都具备精美插画,每个故事开头都有人物肖像。此书价格合理,讲述的故事叙述通俗易懂。

This book has retellings by Rosie Dickins, Leslie Sims, Conrad Mason, and Louie Stowell, and is illustrated by Christa Unzer, and Serena Riglietti. The plays tackled are Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, and Hamlet. A sumptuous publication, illustrated in full colour on every page, with pictures of the characters set at the beginning of each story. The prose is accessible, and the stories race along.

6. Hodder's The Shakespeare Collection

莎士比亚 Holder's Shakespear stories此系列作者甚多,包括Anthony Masters, Jan Dean, Rebecca Lisle, Claire Bevan, Chris Powling, Tony Morris, 以及Ross Collins.


This is the work of various authors, including Anthony Masters, Jan Dean, Rebecca Lisle, Claire Bevan, Chris Powling, Tony Morris, and Ross Collins.
This series offers vivid retellings, illustrated in colour, and black and white. The illustrations vary to match the mood of the tales. A Midsummer Night's Dream, for instance, has cartoon-like pictures, while the art work in The Tempest is more realistic. The language is direct and simple, without any sense of 'writing down' to the reader. The plays come in single volumes, which are paperback-sized, and reassuringly slender. An excellent introduction to Shakespeare for younger readers.

7. Bloomsbury's Shakespeare Today

此系列的作者包括 Tony Bradman, Jenny Oldfield, Robert Swindells, Sue Purkiss, Franzesca G. Ewart, 以及 Michael Cox.

此系列每个故事均改编成小说篇幅,更适合十几岁的青少年阅读。 该系列的改写忠于原著的情节,虽避免使用伊丽莎白时期的英语,但莎翁的经典妙句也同时被巧妙地融进了叙述中。由于此系列比一般的改编本更长,所以人物更饱满,情节发展更顺畅。此系列封面引人入胜,打破人们对于莎士比亚剧陈腐、枯燥的印象。

Contributors to the series include Tony Bradman, Jenny Oldfield, Robert Swindells, Sue Purkiss, Franzesca G. Ewart, and Michael Cox.
These are novel-length retellings intended for the teenage market. They adhere to the plots of the plays, and avoid Elizabethan English, though key lines from Shakespeare are skillfully woven into the narrative. Since these are longer than most of the other adaptations, characters are more rounded, and develop convincingly. The eye-grabbing covers are designed to appeal to the target audience, and suggest that Shakespeare's plays are not as fusty and boring as many people think.

8. Shakespeare Can Be Fun series by Lois Burdett

莎士比亚 hamlet_for_kids此书包括《 罗密欧与朱丽叶》,《第十二夜》,《麦克白》,《仲夏夜之梦》,《暴风雨》。加拿大作者路易斯常年为孩子举办莎士比亚工作室。故事用带韵律双行句讲述,并由参加工作室的孩子所做的画作为插画。这些故事适合念给低龄的孩子听,同时也给老师和学生带来许多学习莎士比亚的新方法新创意。这套书可谓莎士比亚作品各个版本中独具魅力的一套。

Plays available are Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and The Tempest. Lois Burdett is a Canadian who runs Shakespeare workshops for young children. The stories of the plays are told in rhyming couplets, and are illustrated with pictures and quotations from children who have participated in the workshops. These retellings are very child-friendly, and are an excellent source of ideas and approaches for both teachers and pupils. A useful and charming addition to the Shakespeare canon.

9. Mr William Shakespeare's Plays by Marcia Williams

莎翁 shakespears plays by marcia williams这是一本趣味横生的书。戏剧以连环画风格呈现,人物台词直接来自原著,但情节被大大简化。在每页页眉,我们看到简化的剧情描述。每页插画周围还花有莎士比亚环球剧院(the Globe Theatre)观众在对剧情品头论足,就像置身真实剧场中的亲身体验。本书包含了《凯撒大帝》,《麦克白》,《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,《仲夏夜之梦》,《冬天的故事》,《哈姆雷特》以及《暴风雨》。

This is an ingenious and delightful book. The plays are presented as a comic strip, with characters speaking lines taken directly from Shakespeare, and a simplified account of the plot running in a band under each strip. Around the edges of each page, we see characters from the audience in the Globe Theatre commenting on the action, as they would have done in real life. The seven plays on offer are Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Winter's Tale, Hamlet, and The Tempest.

10. King of Shadows by Susan Cooper

莎翁 king of shadows这不是一本改编书,而是以莎士比亚作为主角的一部小说。年轻的美国人奈特·费而德,去伦敦参加环球剧院的仲夏夜之梦的演出。他突发高烧,醒来发现自己身处伊丽莎白时代,正要参加该剧的首演。穿越的情节自然发生,在书的尾声处巧妙交代。这本书饱含人性,读来令人感到温暖。适合青年,或资深的读者。

This is not a retelling of the plays, but a novel that includes Shakespeare as a main character. Nat Field, a young American, travels to London to play Puck in a performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the reconstructed Globe Theatre. He contracts a fever, and wakes up to find himself in Elizabethan times, and about to play Puck in the premiere of the play. The time-shift element is convincingly handled, and the reason behind it provides an elegant plot twist at the end of the book. Cooper's Shakespeare is warm, human, and sympathetic. I would recommend the novel to teenagers, or advanced readers.






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回复 admin 2015-5-16 21:35
回复 婷婷妈2005 2015-5-18 11:20
qianfan: 有pdf和mp3下载吗?
回复 老爸向前冲 2015-12-2 14:07
回复 Bud 2021-12-15 13:53


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